Apologies Are In Order

The September meeting of the club was held on Tuesday the 4th at Libby’s Catfish and Diner in Priceville. I was remiss in not posting that information here and updating the post on the club’s Facebook page, and I understand that there were some who arrived at the Morgan County Courthouse (our usual venue) for a meeting that never occurred. I am sorry for causing this confusion and will work hard to prevent it from happening again.

Along that same line, there was an announcement in the Sunday, September 9th edition of the Decatur Daily stating that there is a meeting scheduled at the courthouse this coming Tuesday (the 11th) at 7:30. This is incorrect. Please do NOT go to the courthouse on that day. The next scheduled club meeting is in October at a place to be announced later.

I don’t expect an apology from the Daily for the error.

Richard Matthews  KB4CAY

Richard Matthews

Author: KB4CAY

Ham since 1981. Secretary of Decatur Amateur Radio Club since 2001. I like digital modes and listening to local repeaters.