Posted in Meetings

DARC July 2024 Meeting Reminder

Greetings! This year is halfway complete! Or maybe we should say that the cooking is half done, because right now we’re all baking until we’re…

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DARC June 2024 Meeting Reminder – FIELD DAY

Greetings! Can you believe it’s June already? The noisy bugs are gone (thank you!!) and the tornado season is officially over (stay alert anyway!), and…

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DARC May 2024 Meeting Reminder

Greetings! Today is “Cinco de Mayo”, May 5th, where Americans celebrate a minor military victory by the Mexican army in 1862. The Mexicans usually shrug…

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DARC April 2024 Meeting Reminder

Greetings! It’s that time of year when everything turns a sickly shade of greenish-yellow and folks walk around constantly blowing their noses. Everyone loves pollen,…

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DARC March 2024 Meeting Reminder – Are You Hungry?

Greetings! I thought March was supposed to “come in like a lion”, as the old saying goes. Where did that wet polar bear come from?…

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DARC February 2024 Meeting Reminder

Last week some famous fat rodent in Pennsylvania apparently declared that Spring will arrive early since he didn’t see a shadow or something. And according…

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DARC January 2024 Meeting Reminder

Anyway, greetings! Another year has mercifully ended and is presenting us with another one that looks to be just as scary and unpredictable as its predecessor….

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DARC December 2023 Meeting Reminder – Christmas Dinnertime!

We all thought 2022 was a crazy, crazy year! This year has been an absolute maniac! On steroids, even! But 2023 is almost over, and…

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DARC November 2023 Meeting Reminder

Greetings! November has arrived with the early onset of darkness. “Daylight Savings Time” (don’t let me rant about that misnomer!) has ended, and the sun…

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DARC October 2023 Meeting Reminder

Greetings! Fall (or Autumn, if you prefer) is here. Surely you’ve noticed he additional tints on the tree leaves and the harvesters in the fields….

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