Greetings! August has arrived. Normalcy has not. We’re all affected, one way or another, willingly or otherwise.
In May we tried a phone conference meeting. In June we tried an outdoor meeting at Delano Park in Decatur with sparse attendance. July’s meeting was canceled due to the holiday. And now August is here and time for something different.
So . . .
The August 4th, 2020, meeting of the Decatur Amateur Radio Club will take place at 7:00pm using the ZOOM online meeting service. Some who participated in the May meeting expressed their opinions that ZOOM was a superior option. So now we’ll give it a whirl.
Please do NOT go to the Morgan County Courthouse on Tuesday evening expecting to talk radio with someone (unless you sit in your vehicle and use one of the repeaters).
ZOOM allows you to use a computer or a telephone to join the meeting. Unfortunately a 2-meter repeater is not on the option list.
The meeting details are available by e-mail. Please contact the club president or secretary for details if you did not get the e-mail.
We are hoping for the opportunity to have a full in-person club meeting sometime before 2020 ends.
If you have any questions, please e-mail the club president or the club secretary.
And pass this along to someone you know who may not be aware.
See you (hopefully!) sometime!