The old saying goes, “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.” With all the recent rain, March is coming in like a “lionfish” this year, it would seem!
Speaking of fish, how about some catfish or other great food? The Decatur Amateur Radio Club will hold its monthly meeting for March on Tuesday evening, March 1st, at 6:30pm at Libby’s Catfish and Diner atop Priceville Mountain on Highway 67. If you don’t know where it is, just get on the Beltline (Highway 67) and drive away from Decatur towards the east. After passing I-65, continue through Priceville and go up the mountain. When you reach the summit (such as is it), Libby’s will be on the right. Come hungry!
And note the change of time, please! It’s at 6:30. Please don’t show up at the Morgan County Courthouse this month.
Once again, please don’t forget about paying your membership dues for this year. The club raised the the annual dues to $20.00 beginning in 2021 (this was the first increase in anyone’s memory stretching back more than 30 years!). Bring your $20.00 (and $5.00 each for additional family members) and pay the treasurer for the year. Dues are annual, beginning in January and expiring in December. If you’d rather do it the old-fashioned postal way, mail a check to DARC, PO Box 9, Decatur, AL 35602-0009. And you can pay for multiple years if you wish (sorry, no volume discounts!).
The continuing reminder: the roster of current club members is now online at Set up your free account and if you have paid your dues (and the Secretary has updated the database) you should see that you’re associated with the DARC. If there’s an issue, let me know.
See you at Libby’s on Tuesday evening!