Greetings! The “Day Of March” has come! I don’t think it came in like a lion as the old saying goes, but give it time and I’m sure we’ll hear the roaring of rain, thunder, wind, and other inconvenient things like politicians.
The Decatur Amateur Radio Club doesn’t usually roar about things, but we do know how to eat! And the March meeting will feature this activity that we all do well. And some of us do it too well at that!
This Tuesday, March 3rd, is the date for our regularly scheduled monthly meeting at the Courthouse. Since Tuesday is also “Super Tuesday”, and there is an election involving counting of ballots at the courthouse, it’s best that we not be there to be in the way at all.
So , this month we will meet at the Canton House Chinese restaurant on 14th Street in southeast Decatur on Tuesday evening, March 3rd, at 6:00 pm. If you need directions, please email one of the officers or call out on the 147.00 repeater and someone will help direct you there.
Let me remind you again that membership dues for this year need to be paid. You can get in on the annual fun by bringing your $15.00 and paying the treasurer at the meeting. Additional family members are $5.00 each. Dues are annual, beginning in January and expiring in December. You may pay for multiple years in advance if you wish. If you’d rather pay the old-fashioned way, mail a check to DARC, PO Box 9, Decatur, AL 35602-0009.
See you at the Canton House Chinese buffet at 6:00 on Tuesday!