Greetings! We’ve reached August. Some call these the “dog days of Summer”. When my dog heard me say that, she tried to bite me for blaming this miserable heat on her species!
Whatever or whoever you wish to blame or give credit for the heat, it’s definitely hot out there. Please be careful if you’re working outside and keep cool and drink a lot of fluids to keep your body healthy.
The 1st Tuesday of the month is upon us, and reports say that the air conditioning works very well in the basement auditorium of the Morgan County Courthouse in Decatur. That’s where we will hold the regular monthly meeting of the Decatur Amateur Radio Club on Tuesday, August 3rd, at 7:30 in the evening. Please be at the courthouse several minutes early because the building must remain locked and we will have someone available to open the door up until 7:30.
Field Day went very well this year. Many thanks to all who participated in any way. A summary will be presented at the August meeting. You can also see it on the club’s website at
Also, there are photos online of this and past Field Day operations. You can find them at Flickr. Our albums can be viewed at
Hope to see you on Tuesday! And try to stay cool!