“Season’s Greetings” and all that stuff! It’s FINALLY the last month of this indescribable year. To make it bearable, it’s also Christmastime!
Of course, if you’re a local ham, the Decatur Amateur Radio Club’s annual Christmas “Eatin’ Meetin'” is something we all look forward to regardless of our situations. Instead of a regular monthly business meeting, we will meet together at 6:30pm on Tuesday, December 1st, at the Canton House Chinese restaurant on 14th Street in Decatur. Bring an appetite and some stories to share.
(Large gifts and donations to club officers are always appreciated but not required. Yet.)
Another thing to think about is membership dues for next year. The club has voted to raise the annual dues to $20.00 beginning in January (this is the first increase in anyone’s memory stretching back more than 30 years!). You can beat the rush and the increase by bringing your $15.00 (the current dues) and paying the treasurer in advance for the year. Dues are annual, beginning in January and expiring in December. If you’d rather do it the old-fashioned way, mail a check to DARC, PO Box 9, Decatur, ALĀ 35602-0009. And you can pay for multiple years if you wish to save the extra $5.00 per year.
One other matter: one of our older former members is selling his equipment. There is a post on Facebook that lists the items. If you are interested, please send a message and we will get back to you with his contact information.
See you at Canton House on Tuesday the 1st! And Merry Christmas!