HOORAY! 2020 is FINALLY OVER! And 2021 has started without any problems at all . . .
Wait. Did I speak too soon?
Well, if you’re a ham radio operator, the year holds a lot of promise for some great things. The Decatur Amateur Radio Club is starting the year as usual with its monthly business meeting on the first Tuesday of the month. We will assemble in the basement of the Morgan County Courthouse in Decatur at 7:30pm on Tuesday, January 5th. Please come to the Lee Street entrance BEFORE 7:30 so you can be admitted to the building. Security procedures may be in place, so please leave any weapons (sharp, explosive, or otherwise) or combustible materials in your car or truck before attempting to enter the building.
Another thing to think about is membership dues for next year. The club has voted to raise the dues to $20.00 per year beginning in January (this is the first increase in anyone’s memory stretching back more than 30 years!). Dues are annual, beginning in January and expiring in December. Bring your cash or check to the meeting. You can pay for multiple years in advance if you wish. If you’d rather pay the old-fashioned way, mail a check to:
PO Box 9
Decatur, AL 35602-0009.
Hope to see you on Tuesday!