Greetings! November is here, and the first Tuesday of this month is one of the most important days for American citizens:
Normally the Decatur Amateur Radio Club meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month. But because of the election, and because the courthouse will be used for counting ballots, the November meeting has been postponed until November 10th, 2020. We will meet at the Morgan County Courthouse at 7:30 and have elections for officers for 2021 and conduct other business as needed.
A regular reminder will be issued next Sunday, but this one serves to notify you that we will not meet on the 3rd.
So be sure to exercise your right as a citizen of this great country to cast your ballot for your choice of leaders and your opinions on the constitutional amendments in Alabama.
And please pass this along to someone you know who may not be aware.
See you (hopefully!) at the polls and/or on Tuesday the 10th!