Greetings! Two-thirds of this very unusual year have gone by. Usually we complain because it’s going too fast. I think this year has not gone fast enough. Is it 2021 yet?
August’s club meeting was done via Zoom with a few (but not many) participants. We have something else in mind for September, so please pay attention to the following details.
The September 1st, 2020, meeting of the Decatur Amateur Radio Club will take place at 7:00pm (NOTE THE TIME CHANGE!) in the old RC Cola building at 1122 Knight Street SE in Decatur. Knight Street runs from 6th Avenue (Hwy 31) to Veteran’s Drive. It’s the street closest to the Burger King on 6th Avenue. Red-X-Fitness (formerly Bender’s Gym) is on the other end of that street.
It will be obvious which building to enter because of the VHF radio antenna on the roof. So be sure to look for that feature. The “For Lease” sign on the front is also a giveaway.
Please do NOT go to the Morgan County Courthouse on Tuesday evening expecting to talk radio with someone (unless you sit in your vehicle and use one of the repeaters).
Here is one more very important instruction: BRING YOUR OWN CHAIR! There are no chairs, benches, or any other places to park your body unless you enjoy standing or sitting on bare concrete. So, to repeat: BRING YOUR OWN CHAIR!
This building will be one of the topics of discussion for the evening. Another will be the status of the 147.00 and 443.85 repeaters, which are no longer located on Brindley Mountain. Come to the meeting for an update.
If you have any questions, please e-mail club president Mike Findlay at kd4tgc@gmail or e-mail me at this address or at kb4cay@gmail.
And pass this along to someone you know who may not be aware.
See you (hopefully!) on Tuesday!