Field Day 2019 Scoring Complete

The scoring has been calculated, documented, and submitted for the Decatur Amateur Radio Club’s 66th Field Day last month. It’s nowhere near what we had hoped to accomplish this year. Here’s how it looks:

Number of participants:  37

CW contacts:                5
Digital contacts:           65
Phone contacts:         233
QSO points:                5 x 2 =         10 (CW)
                                   65 X 2 =        130 (DIG)
                                 233 x 1 =        233 (PH)

Total QSO points =                          373

Power multiplier:      150 watts or less = QSO’s x 2

Claimed QSO score =                     746

Bonus points:

           200 points – 100% Emergency power
           100 points – Media Publicity
           100 points – Set-up in Public Place
           100 points – Information Table
           100 points – W1AW message
           100 points – Natural Power QSO’s Completed
           100 points – Site Visit by Invited Elected Official
           100 points – Site Visit by Invited Agency Official
           100 points – Social media (Facebook)
             40 points – Youth bonus
             50 points – Online entry form submission

Total bonus points =                        1,090

Total submitted score:       1,736 points 
            (704 points LESS than last year’s 2,440)

We had fewer contacts this year, but more bonus points. Thanks are in order to the following hams:

  • Shawn AD4SB for the CW contacts,
  • Craig KJ4LAA for the solar equipment and contacts,
  • Bob WA4ZZW and Lester W5GSU for running digital modes on 6 meters,
  • Mike KD4TGC for setting up and running digital modes on a GOTA station,
  • Bob WA4ZZW again for copying the official W1AW Field Day message, and
  • Carlton KI4NHK for bringing his sons and encouraging them to make contacts.

So now it’s time to mark your calendar for next year! Field Day 2020 will be on June 27th and 28th, 2020. Make plans to come help us and improve the score!

Richard Matthews

Author: KB4CAY

Ham since 1981. Secretary of Decatur Amateur Radio Club since 2001. I like digital modes and listening to local repeaters.