Field Day 2008 will be here in just 3 weeks! Last night’s club meeting was preparatory to our effort.
Unfortunately, some of the regulars who give us considerable help are not available for part or all of the weekend. We will need additional support. If you can help out, contact me (secretary (at) and we can find something for you to do!
Last year was a great Field Day effort. Here’s the rundown:
- W4ATD placed 52nd overall out of 2,334 entries. Our total score was 9,284.
- We placed 2nd overall in the state of Alabama out of 24 stations.
- We placed 4th overall in the Southeastern Division out of 173 stations.
- In class 2A, we placed 10th overall out of 477 stations.
- In class 2A, we were #1 of 7 stations in Alabama.
- We were #2 of 32 in class 2A in the Southeastern Division.
June 28th and 29th are the dates. We want to improve our score this year. Come join us! It will be a blast as usual!