Category: General
General information and announcements
Under (re) Construction
We are redoing the website to give it a refreshed look. Ten (10) years of the same format has gotten a bit old, and some…
Merry Christmas and Happy 2019!
The Decatur Amateur Radio Club wishes all a wonderful Christmas time and a happy and prosperous new year! Since the first Tuesday of the year…
Lloyd Barnett W4RFZ – Silent Key
It is with profound sadness that we must report the passing of one of our most active and publicized members: Lloyd Barnett W4RFZ. He was…
ARRL Field Day 2018 Official Results
The Field Day 2018 results have been posted on the ARRL website. They are also printed in the December issue of QST magazine. Our club’s…
DARC Officers for 2019
At November’s business meeting, which was held at the Canton House Chinese restaurant in Decatur, the club reelected two of the current 2018 officers for…
Apologies Are In Order
The September meeting of the club was held on Tuesday the 4th at Libby’s Catfish and Diner in Priceville. I was remiss in not posting…
DARC Officers for 2018
At November’s business meeting the club reelected three of the current 2017 officers for 2018. They will continue serving at the January club meeting. The…
DARC To Assist Boy Scouts
The 60th Boy Scout Jamboree On The Air (JOTA) will be held October 20-23, 2017. The Decatur Amateur Radio Club will have stations set up…
Amateur Radio License Testing Available
The Decatur Amateur Radio Club has some GREAT NEWS! We are now able to offer license testing. We are approaching this a bit differently, however….
DARC June Field Day Planning Meeting (and Eating!)
The June meeting of the Decatur Amateur Radio Club will be held at Libby’s Catfish and Diner at 6:00 on Tuesday evening, June 6th, at…