DARC April 2021 Meeting Reminder

Greetings! If “fools rush in where angels fear to tread”, does that mean that April is dangerous? Hopeless? Frightening?

That’s a deeper thought than I wish to entertain.

Here’s something we CAN think about without endangering ourselves, our surroundings, or others in the vicinity, and it could be entertaining: there’s a regular monthly meeting of the Decatur Amateur Radio Club scheduled for Tuesday, April 6th, at 7:30 in the evening. We plan to meet in the basement auditorium of the Morgan County Courthouse. Please arrive early because the building must remain locked and security procedures may be in place. Any modern or antique weapons should be left at home or in your vehicle. Modern or antique radio equipment would be welcome!

As this virus thing finally diminishes, come join us and tell us how ham radio helped you cope with the restrictions.

And here’s an important reminder: membership dues for this year still need to be paid for some. The club voted to raise the dues to $20.00 per year beginning in January (this is the first increase in anyone’s memory stretching back more than 30 years!). Additional family members are still $5.00 per year. Dues are annual, beginning in January and expiring in December. Bring your cash or check to the meeting. You can pay for multiple years in advance if you wish. If you’d rather pay the old-fashioned way, mail a check to:

PO Box 9
Decatur, AL  35602-0009.

Hope to see you on Tuesday!

Richard Matthews

Author: KB4CAY

Ham since 1981. Secretary of Decatur Amateur Radio Club since 2001. I like digital modes and listening to local repeaters.