Greetings! One-third of 2021 is in the books (or down the drain, however you look at it). And the months keep sprinting by, faster and faster.
If time keeps marching on, then it has to be one of the fastest armies ever assembled!
Here’s something to give us all a short pause: there’s a regular monthly meeting of the Decatur Amateur Radio Club scheduled for Tuesday, May 4th, at 7:30 in the evening. We plan to meet in our usual location in the basement auditorium of the Morgan County Courthouse. Please arrive early because the building must remain locked and security procedures may be in place. Any threatening or contraband items should be left at home or in your vehicle. Radio equipment, on the other hand, would be welcome!
Some things have been canceled for the year, but others are in the planning stages. Come to the meeting and give your input about the club and its activities!
Hope to see you on Tuesday!