The October meeting of the Decatur Amateur Radio Club is going to be a bit different. Just like last year’s October meeting
Instead of the regular meeting at the Morgan County Courthouse, we will meet at the home of the former club president and current treasurer, Lester Christophe W5GSU. If you did not receive the notification e-mail with his address and directions, please contact the club secretary (secretary <at> or kb4cay <at> and we’ll get it to you. Or call out on the 147.00 repeater and someone can help direct you to the meeting.
The meeting time is changing as well. Since Lester needs his beauty sleep, and he’s having a birthday in a few days (again! – he’s making an annual habit of this!), we will meet at his home at 6:00 instead of 7:30. One more VERY IMPORTANT thing: come ready to eat! Lester’s wife Rosine is a fantastic cook, and we will be treated to some extremely tasty dishes from her kitchen.
And spouses are invited also. Rosine would probably appreciate some company while we talk sports and radios and whatever else we guys talk about. Oh, yes. Club business. That too.
So, please DO NOT go the the courthouse on Tuesday, October 4th. Do not arrive at 7:30 (or earlier, as we usually ask). If you do, you can sit in the dark parking lot and think about the food and fun you just missed by not coming to the proper place at the proper time.
The proper place: W5GSU’s home in Decatur.
The proper time: 6:00pm on Tuesday, October 4th.
See you there on Tuesday evening!!
Richard Matthews KB4CAY
Secretary, DARC