Greetings! It’s that time again!
For the 69th consecutive year the Decatur Amateur Radio Club will be participating in the annual ARRL Field Day event. For 24 hours, beginning on Saturday afternoon at 1:00 and continuing until Sunday afternoon at 1:00. we will be trying to contact as many other amateur radio stations as possible to gather as many points as we can. It’s a fun event and a great opportunity to get on the air or to meet your fellow hams.
Setup will begin at 9:00 Saturday morning. We have reserved Pavilion A at Delano Park in Decatur near the tennis courts off of Gordon Drive SE. We can always use more help getting things set up for the start of the event.
We always need folks to operate the radios during the late Saturday and early Sunday morning shifts. If you can hang around overnight or even drop by for a hour or two during the dark hours, we’ll happily let you talk on the radio. A lot!.
We will have a total of 4 radios and will be operating class 2A from Alabama. Two rigs will be operating on the HF radio bands, one will be operating on 6 meters, and the last one is a GOTA (Get On The Air) station that will be available for anyone, licensed or not, to get to talk on the radio and see what it’s like. We will monitor the 147.00+ 2-meter repeater to answer questions and direct folks to the site. And there’s a lot of other talking that can be done if you just want to come out and be around other amateurs. If you want to make a lot of friends, bring cold drinks and light snacks. Or even bring dinner or breakfast! And additional hands are always welcome after 1:00 on Sunday afternoon to help pack everything back up.
Please make plans to stop in, help out, stay a while, and enjoy the opportunity.
Hope to see you next Saturday at Field Day!