Category: Meetings
Information about meetings
DARC July 2023 Non-Meeting Reminder
Greetings! It’s July! And it’s hot and humid already! It’s also the time when we celebrate the founding of our incredible country! God bless America!…
DARC June 2023 Meeting Reminder
Greetings! It’s June already! That means the sunshine and heat of summer are upon us. But it means two other things to the Decatur Amateur…
DARC May 2023 Meeting Reminder
Greetings! Do you remember the old saying about April showers bringing May flowers? If it’s true, then we should be seeing some spectacular blooms coming…
DARC April 2023 Meeting Reminder
Greetings! Were you the victim of an April Fool’s prank this year? Was that some kind of stormy joke last weekend? The weather really treated…
DARC March 2023
Meeting Reminder Minor Correction
Greetings! February really is FINALLY over! But apparently I have the mistaken notion that it’s later than we think! The Decatur Amateur Radio Club will…
DARC March 2023 Meeting Reminder – Are You Hungry?
Greetings! February is FINALLY over! That shortest month of the year seems to drag on forever! Good food and good times with friends can help clear…
DARC February 2023 Meeting Reminder
Greetings! It’s February, the shortest month of the year that always feels like the longest one. And that groundhog in Pennsylvania said that we have…
DARC January 2023 Meeting Reminder – HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Happy New Year!! We have made it to 2023! Let’s really hope that it’s an improvement over its immediate predecessors! The Decatur Amateur Radio Club…
DARC December 2022 Meeting Reminder – Christmas Dinner
Is it really almost over? 2022 was a crazy, crazy year! And now it’s time for Christmas. And I’m still looking for a Valentine’s Day…
DARC November 2022 Meeting Reminder – Time for Elections
We have made it through 10 months of this crazy year. Only two months left! And then comes 2023. Can it be different? Please? November…